J&D Ultracare is a professional nursing agency that has been helping medically fragile children for over thirty years. Our nurses are experts that are prepared to provide specialized care to kids in the comfort of their own homes. You can learn more about us by calling 845-357-4500.
But there’s more to a child’s health than the services we provide! That’s why we like to inform parents with as much knowledge as possible here on the blog. We write extensively about health tips every single week, so check out the blog regularly by clicking here.
This week, we want to talk about what you should do if your child has a fever. There is a great article on a website called Children’s Health that covers this topic in detail, so we want to share five tips from the post.

If you find these tips helpful, we encourage you to read the full original post on Children’s Health by clicking here. Here are the five tips from the article:
- Fluids: Offer plenty of fluids to drink. Prolonged fever can lead to dehydration.
- Sponge bath: Apply a lukewarm sponge bath to help lower your child’s temperature. Do not put your child in cold water or use rubbing alcohol to try to cool him/her off. Rubbing alcohol, inhaled or absorbed through the skin, can be toxic.
- Dress: Remove unnecessary clothing to make your child feel comfortable. Dress your child in lightweight, breathable clothing.
- Comfort: Cover with a light sheet, if your child appears chilled.
- Medicine: Consider using fever-reducing medication such as infant acetaminophen (Children’s Tylenol) or infant ibuprofen (Children’s Motrin). Check the label or call your pediatrician for the correct dosage for your child. Do not give aspirin to children age 18 or younger.
In addition, it’s important to note that a fever is also symptom of COVID-19. However, just because your child has a fever does not mean that they have the virus. The CDC has written about a number of preventative measures you can take to prevent the spread of the virus in children, so please visit their website to learn more.
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