“I have been a client of J&D Ultracare for almost 6 years. I have found them tobe a professional and caring nursing agency. Their nurses are very competentand reliable. I highly recommend J&D Ultracare to anyone looking for e?cellentat!home nursing care." - Client, Gary Lust “#y $% year!old son is diagnosed ?ith 'pinal #uscular (trophy )'#(* Type $and Dysautonomia+ and has been a client of J&D Ultracare for about $, years.J&D Ultracare has al?ays been e?tremely ?onderful in coordinating appropriatenursing staff for my son+ and thanks to them+ ?e are very fortunate to have agreat group of nurses. Their staff has offered suggestions to improve upon thedelivery of care to my son. J&D Ultracare al?ays goes above and beyond ineverything they do+ and follo? through is a big part of ?ho they are-" -Parent, Lucille Delfino “?,$/ marks 0 years since 1harlie ?as able to come home ?ith us+ and also thebeginning of a ?onderfully trusting+ honest and most professional relationship?ith J&D Ultracare.1harlie has many medical needs and must be monitored throughout the day.The home care that ?e have been most fortunate to receive for 1harlie has beennothing short of ama2ing. The nurses from J&D Ultracare have ?arm hearts and their medical e?pertise is apparent. 3e can tell that they really care about1harlie and many have seen him flourish over the years.The office staff+ scheduling staff 4yes+ you 5ancy 4 the clinical staff and o?nerhave been very kind to us over the years. They have the most up to datemedical information and provide thorough training to ne? nurses coming to ?ork?ith our son. The staff does their best to place high ?uality nurses and areal?ays very open to our feedback.I highly recommend J&D Ultracare to families ?ho have a need for nursing for aloved one. Thank you J&D for all of your support. 3e look for?ard to acontinued+ long!lasting relationship-"  - Charlie’s Mom and Dad “I have been ?ith J&D Ultracare for several years no?78rom the beginning they ?ere very caring and accepting of my daughter and our?hole family. #y e?perience ?ith all of 1ourtney9s nurses has been very professional. I could not have done it ?ithout their help-"  - Parent, Rockland County